Summer News

New Men’s Group Begins September 23, 2009

A Life Well-Lived: An Adult Development Group for Men: This 8-week group will explore classic theories and research on adult development, recent developments in the psychology of happiness, and Dr. Thomas Doherty’s application of environmental sustainability to personal health and identity. Open to men ages 27 and above.


Green Business Talk September 9, 2009

nsnlogoThomas will be speaking at the Oregon Natural Step Network’s fall breakfast series on the topic of maintaining motivation and inspiration.  His talk “Master of Two Worlds” uses the Hero’s Journey metaphor to describe how innovators and change agents can maintain their vision and avoid burnout amid the challenges of daily life and work.

Read a transcript summary of the talk:
Renewable Energy for Sustainability Practitioners


Ecopsychology courses at Lewis & Clark

l&cSummer and fall courses in the Ecopsychology sequence are open to the public and professionals for continuing education through the Lewis & Clark Center for Community Engagement.


Thomas Doherty featured in Oregonian article on nature

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Thomas Doherty says studies show the more people can come into contact with nature, the better their health, and he walks his talk by hiking in Forest Park with his daughter Eva every weekend.
Hiking in Forest Park with Eva

Thomas was featured in the Portland Oregonian’s May 27, 2009 article The best natural healer turns out to be nature discussing the field of ecopsychology and links between mental health and connection with nature and green spaces.

“Studies repeatedly have shown that contact with nature can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, relieve stress, sharpen mental states and, among children with attention and conduct disorders, improve behavior and learning. Regardless of cultural background, people consistently prefer natural settings over man-made environments.”


Published by Thomas Doherty

Psychologist Thomas Doherty's work on environmental sustainability and health has been featured in publications like the New York Times and in talks worldwide. Thomas consults with individuals and organizations through his business Sustainable Self. He was the founding Director of the Ecopsychology Certificate Program at Lewis & Clark Graduate School and Founding Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed academic journal Ecopsychology. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

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