Thomas Doherty has been setting the standard in green business practices for psychology and health care professionals two decades. Learn more about some of the sustainability practices he uses below.

Sustainable Office

NuMiss Building doorstepThomas locates his office in locations like the LEED Platinum-rated Numiss Building on North Mississippi Avenue in Portland, Oregon. With the COVID pandemic, much of Thomas’s client and training work is done through teleconference.

Sustainable Transportation

Schwinn World Tourist

Thomas Doherty uses active, low impact transportation whenever possible. He is a long time champion of carbon offsetting and has practiced offsetting  emissions from his vehicle and air travel using programs like and Native Energy. Clients are encouraged to walk, bike or use public transportation when appropriate.

Sustainable Practices

Harbor 100 Paper

The triple bottom line and ecological footprint is considered in all decision making at Sustainable Self. Supplies are sourced locally when possible. Recycling and reuse is common practice and there is constant progress toward relying on 100% clean and renewable energy for personal and business activities.