What does adulthood mean for men in 2017?

And what does science say makes a happy adulthood?

Is there an optimum way to communicate your emotions in relationships?

How can you make the most of the victories and losses in your past, and set positive goals for the future?

How can you connect with nature to improve your health and well-being?

What’s the best way to find your higher power and make peace with your own mortality?

How can you embrace your life as a journey and an adventure?



A Life Well Lived: A Men’s Adulthood Group

My men’s group has received great reviews in the past and I’m looking forward to offering a revised version this spring. I call this my “Adulthood Group” because it brings together key lessons I have learned about working with men into a brief, eight-week educational format. Each meeting presents information on a new topic along with an opportunity for questions and discussion. I’ll describe well-known psychology wisdom like Erik Erikson’s classic theory of “Psychosocial Development” and results from the famous Harvard Grant Study. We’ll also explore findings from the latest research on self-complexity, emotional intelligence and dealing with “lost possible selves.” Previous experience with men’s groups is not required. Sharing about your personal life is optional. Some experience with counseling or personal growth work is suggested.

Format: The group meets weekly for eight weeks. Each meeting consists of a brief check-in using a feelings vocabulary guide, practice with a stress reduction exercise, a 15-minute TED Talk-style presentation on that week’s topic, Q & A with Dr. Thomas Doherty, and a group discussion. Men aged 27 years and older are encouraged to attend. All cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and relationship styles are welcome.

Dates: Weeks of 4/10/17 – 5/29/17

Location: Dr. Thomas Doherty’s North Mississippi Ave. Office at 4039 N. Mississippi Ave., Suite 309, Portland OR 97227.

Time: The week day and time of meetings will be based on group members’ interest. Please rank your preference for (1) Wednesdays at 9 AM, (2) Wednesdays at 12 PM or (3) Fridays at 6:00 PM.

How to Enroll: Please contact Dr. Thomas Doherty for a brief admissions interview (phone or in person) and to discuss your time preferences.

Costs: 400.00 for 8 meetings. Payable at enrollment.

Using Insurance: Your health insurance may cover the group. Contact Dr. Thomas Doherty.

Quotes from Past Clients

“I very much appreciated our sessions, and still use the tools/frameworks we talked about.”


“I remember one session, … I had arrived obviously in an agitated state, possibly from traffic or a horrific day at the office, … you started our session with a relaxation exercise – wow, it was exactly what I needed.”


“I feel like I always walk away from a session with a one-liner [of advice], something that resonates.”


Weekly Topics

Week 1: Adulthood — What does it mean? What are the tasks? A Look at the Grand Theories and Recent Research Findings

Week 2: What Makes a Happy Adulthood? — The Role of Fitness, Attitude and Social Supports, and Other Lessons from Positive Psychology

Week 3: All About Relationships — Friendship, Love, Sex, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, and Work-life Balance

Week 4: Honoring the Past — Wounds, Victories, Life Lessons, and Making Peace with Lost Possible Selves

Week 5: Environmental Identity — The Role of Nature and Sense of Place in Adulthood

Week 6: Meeting the Future — Life Goals and Time Horizons, Living your Values, Finding a Fulfilling Career, and Being an Engaged Citizen

Week 7: Self-Transcendence in Adulthood — Finding a Higher Power, Cultivating Personal Spirituality and Accepting Mortality

Week 8: Making Sense of Your Life Story — Imagining your Life as Hero’s Journey and honoring past and future quests.

A Life Well Lived Group FAQS:

Who Should Attend? Men interested in improving their lives and relationships, or experiencing questions or challenges about their life and adulthood are encourage to attend.

Who should not attend? The group is not designed for individuals with acute or untreated psychiatric issues, active substance abuse problems, self harming or suicidal behaviors, or discomfort with group activities.

What about Age and Cultural Diversity? Men aged 27 years and older, of all cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and relationship styles are welcome.

Do I need to have mental health issues or a diagnosis to attend the group? The group is designed for men with normal to high functioning who want to improve their life. The assumption is that all of us have life issues that we are working on. Specific “mental health issues” or diagnoses are not required to attend group.

Do I have to be in counseling or therapy to attend? Clients of Dr. Thomas Doherty or other counselors and therapists are welcome to attend the group. But, you do not have to be in counseling or therapy to attend.

Is the group suitable for men in substance abuse recovery? Yes, the group will offer information that is helpful for individuals going through substance abuse recovery or who are in sobriety.

Do I have to talk about my personal life? Each group session will have a Q&A session with Dr. Doherty and a group discussion. You are not required to share personal details of your life unless you are comfortable doing so.

How many people will be in the group? Meetings will have a maximum of eight participants.

What are Dr. Thomas Doherty’s Qualifications: Thomas Doherty is a Licensed Psychologist in the State of Oregon who works with adults and couples. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and received the Oregon Psychological Association’s Public Education Award. He received his undergraduate degree at Columbia University and his doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at Antioch New England Graduate School. Dr. Doherty has 20 years of experience leading groups in numerous settings. He also has scholarly experience as an environmental psychology researcher, graduate school educator, and journal editor.

Can I meet with Dr. Thomas Doherty Individually? You can arrange consultations for ongoing counseling and coaching with Dr. Thomas Doherty in addition to attending the group.

How much does the group cost? Attendance and the costs $400. Fees are payable at enrollment by payment card, cash or check.

Can I use my health insurance? Insurance coverage may be possible. Please contact your insurance provider to see if you have group therapy benefits. You may also contact Dr. Thomas Doherty to explore insurance funding. A mental health diagnosis may be required to access insurance coverage.

What if I need to miss a meeting? Attendance at all sessions is encouraged. There will be an optional makeup session offered the week of 6/5/17.

Is there a Refund Policy? Satisfaction in the group is guaranteed, or clients are entitled to a refund of any unused sessions.


Please contact me if you are interested in the group, and share with others who might benefit. — Dr. Thomas Doherty

Published by Thomas Doherty

Psychologist Thomas Doherty's work on environmental sustainability and health has been featured in publications like the New York Times and in talks worldwide. Thomas consults with individuals and organizations through his business Sustainable Self. He was the founding Director of the Ecopsychology Certificate Program at Lewis & Clark Graduate School and Founding Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed academic journal Ecopsychology. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

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