Hands holding a glass globe of the world.

Ecotherapy and Climate Therapy Consultation with Dr. Thomas Doherty is a resource for a new generation of climate-conscious healthcare practitioners looking for expert guidance and peer support for their eco- or nature-based therapy work.

  • The next series begins in April 2025. Please contact Dr. Doherty for details.

Consultation is based on a three-phase process in which mental health practitioners:

  1. Assess their environmental identities, beliefs and experiences (including sources of wellbeing and resilience and of trauma or injustice)
  2. Adapt their existing therapeutic orientations and skill sets to address environmental concerns faced by their clients or patients
  3. Apply these interventions, as appropriate, into their counseling and treatment practices with diverse individuals

Individual and group consultation is open to practitioners across disciplines including psychotherapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, medical professionals, and other healthcare providers.

Dr. Doherty has a practical approach that integrates common therapy philosophies. He helps professionals apply widely used techniques (e.g., ACT, mindfulness-based, cognitive-behavioral, client centered, existential-humanistic, psychodynamic, family systems, animal-assisted and other approaches).

A special and unique value of Dr. Doherty’s approach is that he helps mental health professionals integrate findings and concepts from environmental and conservation psychology that are not taught in clinical and counseling training programs.

I had never even heard of Ecotherapy or Climate Therapy before; now I have such a powerful foundational understanding of what that is and where to begin my journey. Through this group, I was connected to a compassionate community of people who are dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Dr. Doherty creates a calm, open space where introspection and sharing come naturally. Thank you Dr. Doherty!

Fall 2021 Attendee

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See this continuing education article from the American Psychological Association on Addressing Climate Concerns in Practice that features Dr. Thomas Doherty.